Instagram is absolutely killing me at the moment. It feels like I put so much effort into it for absolutely nothing at all in return. I don’t think people get to see my posts and my likes are going down and down. Whenever I do get a new follower, I know they just want me to follow them back. Is there anyone genuine anymore? Is anyone on Instagram real anymore?
Kedsum Makeup Brush Cleaning Mats
I hate washing my makeup brushes. It is SUCH a chore! I will do anything to make it easier, so when I saw a review of this KEDSUM Makeup Brush Cleaning Mat on Buzzfeed, I put it on my Amazon wishlist immediately. It arrived just in time because my brushes are well overdue a clean. So is it any good?
We’re all going on a BEAR hunt!
When we decided we were going to Canada for our holiday, one of the things we knew we HAD to do was go see some bears. I’m actually pretty terrified of bears but, nevertheless, they are incredible animals and just amazing to see in the wild. So we booked a bear watching tour in Tofino, on the west of Vancouver Island. I wrote a post about 10 incredible things to do there even when it’s raining, but bear watching deserved a whole post of its own.
Getting a Tattoo – From Start to Finish
Ahh, tattoos. Love em or hate em, they are pretty popular things at the moment. Once the preserve of criminals and ne’er do wells, they are now well and truly mainstream. The good thing about that is that there are now professional, hugely talented and downright awesome tattoo artists everywhere. The bad things about that is the rise of hideous programmes like Just Tattoo Of Us and Tattoo Fixers. Call me old fashioned, but I think that tattoos need considering, after all, they will be on your body forever. Now I’m no expert (I only have 3 tattoos) but I thought I’d share the process I go through when getting a tattoo so you know what to expect.
Beauty: My First Ever Tarte Order
Tarte is one of those brands that I’ve admired from a distance, but never really dug into. I have seen it countless times in Sephora and yet somehow it never crept anywhere near the top of my wishlist. That all changed when I saw Roxie from The Beautiful Bluebird‘s post about the Tarte Tartelette In Bloom 2 palette. My heart skipped a beat. I had to have it!
Travel: 10 Things To Do In Tofino When It’s Raining

Harborview Motel
Tofino is just the most beautiful place. It’s a town on the West Coast of Vancouver Island full of beautiful beaches, woodland hikes, surfers and amazing food and drink. Tofino has the most incredibly relaxed vibe and I just knew Andrew would love it, so we headed there for four days during our trip to Canada this May. But the weather is notoriously unreliable. So what do you do in Tofino in the rain?
Can You Really Trust a Beauty Blogger?
This month’s Cosmopolitan had a really interesting title on the front cover – “Beauty Bloggers: can we trust anything they say?” Total clickbait, right? Well it worked for me, I bought it and read it, along with loads of other bloggers, judging by how many times I then saw the front cover pictured on Instagram. If Cosmo were looking for some free advertising, it certainly worked. So was the article any good? Can you really trust a beauty blogger?
Getting Out of a Skincare Rut with The Ordinary
It is a truth universally acknowledged that good skincare costs a lot of money. Right? Well, that’s what I thought. Until I came across The Ordinary from Deciem. I can’t quite believe the quality of their skincare products for the incredibly budget prices. Read on to see what I thought.
A Stroll Along London’s South Bank
Whenever I think about being a tourist, I think about going abroad. I always forget that there is so much to be seen on my own doorstep. This month, I am heading to London to get a new tattoo (eek, exciting!) and I decided to go down a bit earlier to be a bit of a tourist.
Sports Bras For Bigger Boobs With Simply Be
When I look at myself naked, semi-naked or topless (which I probably do at least a couple of times a day), I don’t think “wow you’ve got big boobs”. In fact, I’d say my boobs were pretty average size for my height and weight. (Side note – is there even any way to find out what the average bra size is for your height and weight?) When I was at school, I would even say I had small boobs. I was a B cup, and for a 5′ 9″ girl, that ain’t too big. But as I’ve got older, my boobs have got bigger. Given they’re mostly made of fat, that’s probably in direct correlation to how much I eat (I was a whippet at school) but even now I’ve lost a stone and maintained my exercise regime, my ta-tas have stayed at a strong 32DD / 32E.
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