Quite a few people have been asking me the kind of things I eat in a typical day to maintain my weight loss. So I thought I’d share what I might eat on a typical low carb day. It’s probably worth mentioning that this diet has been recommended to me by my personal trainer based on my personal requirements and therefore might not be right for everyone! It’s always worth consulting a professional before you change your diet or try to lose weight.
RIGHT, disclaimer over. So what do I eat on a typical low carb day?
Breakfast for me is all about the protein. If you don’t like eggs, look away now.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast with Carbs
Two scrambled eggs, smoked salmon and steamed asparagus is my go to breakfast on a low carb day. And you know what, it’s bloody lovely. You soon forget that you used to eat toast with this because it feels so damn decadent to be eating smoked salmon on a weekday. It can get expensive, but I find that a packet of smoked salmon from Lidl for less than £3 lasts me three breakfasts. And those are pretty generous portions. Yum yum.
On a moderate carb day I might have an omelette with some veggies or some porridge oats with almond milk and red berries. The second piccie above is quinoa porridge, made with Koko coconut milk and berries.
Lunch is all about more protein and packing in some serious greens.

Lunch (ignore the cheese & croutons…)

Lunch (not technically meant to be bacon… oops)
SO it turns out I don’t take pictures of my lunch anywhere near enough because I don’t actually have any pictures of my standard low carb lunch! Maybe because it’s just so boring, HA. When I ate the first salad above, I left the cheese and croutons (oh, the willpower) and the second one was when I was cutting loose a bit this weekend. So *ignore them* and read on…!
I buy bags of spinach, rocket and watercress from Sainsbury’s and give myself a generous portion as a base. I chuck in some red onion, cherry or plum tomatoes and a bit of chopped up beetroot. If I’m feeling extra fancy I throw some avocado into the mix. On top of all of this I have a chicken breast or some sort of fish – rainbow trout and salmon being my current faves. Sounds like not much but it’s actually very filling and tasty. Just don’t get carried away with the salad dressing… I don’t have any on mine!
Hey, guess what, dinner is also based around PROTEIN!

Low Carb Dinner

Dinner with Carbs
I cook myself some lean meat – turkey, chicken (always free range) or fish. To accompany the meat, I steam a shit load of green veggies: cabbage, broccoli, kale, sprouts, spring greens – the more the merrier. It doesn’t sound terribly exciting but I give myself a pretty massive plate and most of the time I don’t miss the potato at all.
On carb days I also mash or roast some sweet potato or cook some wholegrain rice. I might also chuck in some roasted carrots if the moment takes me.
Top tip – Sundays are perfect for a roast dinner. Roast a chicken as normal (although I use coconut oil instead of butter or oil) and serve with some roast carrots, roast parsnips and loads of greens. It is the perfect tasty warming treat that just makes you feel all cosy and snuggly inside. And it’s still within the rules!
On the whole, I don’t really snack on anything. And to be honest I don’t really feel like I need to. I drink loads of water and this fills me up between meals. If I’m having a moderate carb day then I snack on an apple, some dark berries – blueberries, blackberries, black grapes, raspberries, strawberries – or a handful of almonds (about 5 or 6). I am a chocolate free zone (until treat day, WHICH I made sure coincided with Easter Sunday!).
This is slightly less fun. No coffee, no tea, no alcohol. Just council pop and lots of it. I try to drink three litres of water a day and this can be a mix of still or sparkling. I am also allowed to drink green tea or tulsi tea, but to be honest I’m not a fan of either so I just leave it.
Alcohol is saved for treat days where I have the odd glass of wine. Needless to say I am definitely going to have to build up my resistance before my hen do, otherwise I’ll be on the floor after one prosecco!
So that’s about it – my typical low carb day. I know it sounds awful to some people but it has honestly become my new normal. My tummy is never bloated, my skin is a lot clearer and I’m now down to my target weight, which is such an amazing feeling. Like I said before, it’s not for everyone but it does really get results and it’s transformed my attitude to food. Just find out what works for you and stick to it! I swear I’ve found willpower I never knew I had.
♥ JH
I’m not on any diet or anything but I do love to eat healthily and these meals look really good! Definitely going to take inspiration from these xx
Sam // Samantha Betteridge
I’ve been doing low carb high fat for about a month now and really love it!
fourcatsplusus.co.uk – Amy
Thanks for giving me the incentive to try this. I’m one stone three pounds down and feeling a lot fitter too. Mum xxxx
Well done – keep going!!
Less than 3 weeks until wedding dress fitting 😮