Image from Pixababy – thank you!
If you’ve been following me on instagram or Snapchat (spoilybyjenni) you might have seen some of the scran I’ve been tucking into this week. Spoiler alert – it’s all super healthy and designed to make you feel just terrible on yourself for eating that burger at Byron last night. Soz-not-soz about that. I also wrote a blog post (before I started, may I add) about my nutrition plan so you can see in more detail. But alongside the eating right, I am also dragging my sorry arse out of bed even earlier than usual to get my fitness on.
My personal trainer, Sarah, has been brilliant. She also works me like a dog. So I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to fitness-wise since I started to hopefully provide some inspo!
Early Mornings
Eating well goes hand in hand with exercising right and that is the flip side to the nutrition coin. I went to Metafit and Kettlebells last week and felt completely wrecked at the weekend, so I knew this part of the plan was going to be a big challenge for me.
We started at 6:00am on Tuesday morning – I got weighed and measured for the start of my journey – then I trained for an hour. ARGH. I struggle to wake up at 7:30 in the cold, dark winter mornings and I knew getting up at 5:45 on Tuesday will KILL ME. Literally no exaggeration.
Training Session One
For my first training session, Sarah had me working my muscles until they were overtired. Basically destroying them right down, before my protein-rich diet helps them repair themselves into lean, mean guns. It was designed to target my entire body and involved a range of movements with differing weights. I’m not going to lie, it did in fact almost kill me. Halfway through the session I felt quite faint and had to take two to prop my legs up against the wall. What a wuss!
It was tough – really tough – but I’m so glad I got that first session over with. It made me realise I’m more capable than I thought I was. The next day, and even more the day after that, my muscles absolutely wrecked but it felt good to do something different and put my body to the test.
Training Session Two
I was absolutely dreading training session two – I didn’t even know if I would get through it and stay standing – so I took some Omega 3-6-9 and ate 6 almonds (I’d normally eat like a bag in one sitting) to give my body a scrap of energy whilst I hefted lumps of metal around. This session was more like a circuit of different stations and I totally enjoyed it! It wasn’t easy, but it’s not meant to be. I did exercises I’ve never done before and it gave me a real morning boost.
I feel much more prepared for my next training sessions and I’m keen to get stuck into Metafit and Kettlebells again this week as well. It may all sound totally intimidating, but once you get in the flow then it just becomes normal. We are capable of a lot more than we give ourselves credit for and fitness really isn’t something to be scared of. It actually makes you feel better, which is great for someone like me who struggles with low mood and anxiety.
I hope that’s given you a helpful insight into my fitness and exercise world as I embark on my journey! I’ll keep updating my blog with progress.
Has the New Year prompted you to start exercising more? I’d love to hear what you’re up to!
♥ JH
Sounds like a great new journey!!
Emma | With A City Dream