This is one of those posts where I’m just going to type out what I’m feeling and then hopefully just press Publish rather than sit here and angst about whether or not to do it. So here goes nothing… I feel like I’ve been feeling a lot more anxious recently. In general, my anxiety tends to come in fits and starts – sometimes I notice it, but 99% of the time it just flickers around in the background rather than impacting my life. Since Christmas, though, I’ve not been able to sleep because I can’t turn my brain off and I feel myself being a little bit more on edge than usual. As we go into 2016 I have quite a lot to think about, but I just don’t know how to stop my brain from whirring over all the things I’ve got to do and I keep feeling that I’m just not good enough to tackle them.
I really feel like this general anxiety is impacting my blog – I only started in August last year so I’d still consider myself to be new to this game, but I want what I produce to be so much better than what I think it is.
My Blog Design
I’m not loving my blog design – it was done cheaply, using a free WordPress template and I just want something fresher, cleaner and newer. But I’ve trawled through reams of pre-made templates online and it’s practically impossible to choose. I am, in fact, completely overwhelmed by all the choice that is out there and I’m worried I’ll make a mistake, or that people won’t recognise my blog anymore. And I have no idea if this is even a good thing or a bad thing! How long does it take to become recognisable?!
Where do I Belong?
I feel like I cover a lot of topics on my blog – beauty, fashion, the odd bit of travel, the odd book – but I guess I’d classify myself as a “lifestyle” blogger. I’ve been reading a fair few posts about how important finding your niche is when you’re blogging and I don’t think I’ve got it. Since I’ve started writing, I’ve realised how much I enjoy playing with new make up, but I’m not good enough to do tutorials, I don’t have unusual / difficult / photogenic skin and I just feel like there are tonnes of other amazing beauty bloggers out there who’ve kind of got that covered. So where do I belong?
Comparing Myself
I also struggle with comparing myself to other fantastic bloggers who are out there – I can’t be the only one, right?! I see another blogger with great content, great design, great images and I just think I could never do that. I can’t help it, and when I’m feeling anxious and low already, I always come out worst in the comparison.
I’m just generally feeling totally frustrated and in need of some serious inspiration and creativity to keep at it! I know I won’t give up, I want to use my feelings to push me towards doing something bigger and better. I just need to find out what that is and how to get there (starting with a new blog template and header design, of course). After all, I did write myself some goals for this year so I’d better pull my finger out and get hitting them, eh.
On the plus side, blog chats always cheer me up (but I have to remember when they all are!) and the #girlgang is always spreading positivity. I just need to find some of it within myself.
I’d love for you to share your link below so I can have a scroll through and be inspired by all the amazing content you lot are writing and sharing.
♥ JH
I know exactly how you’re feeling! I worry I’ll run out of ideas, I don’t know how people have so many ideas for posts.
I recently changed my blog design and am much happier with it, it’s all just trial and error, test some out perhaps for a week at a time until you find one that you like? I think people would still recognise your bog because of the name 🙂
Ami x
Thank you Ami, that’s really helpful – I think a design refresh will make me feel a lot more positive because I’ll feel like I actually want more people to see what is up there so I’ll want it to be the best it can be.
❤ JH
Hey, you need to be little easier on yourself. You’ve not even blogging a year yet, so I’m not surprised you’re still trying to find yourself a little. It took me 2 years to feel comfortable and confident, and even now I’m still evolving. I go through periods of loving my blog and hating it. As I grow and learn, I just want to improve more and more. Don’t let yourself feel rubbish about your blog, if you’re not sure about your theme, then preview a few others and see how you feel. If you’re not sure about what niche you sit in, then experiment with topics and posts.
It’s hard not to compare yourself to others, but just try and measure your blogs success by how you’re growing and changing, not other people.
Corinne x
Thank you Corinne – that means a lot coming from you – I love reading your blog, I think it’s great! And I’ve already decided to start following your 8 Weeks to Improve Your Blog tips. I’ll keep on experimenting and working out what’s right for me.
❤ JH
Never compare yourself to others, just focus on your site – you’re doing a beautiful job 🙂
Chloe X
Thank you Chloe – that’s such a lovely thing to say!
I’m determined to keep going 🙂
❤ JH