Earlier this week I wrote a post telling you all about the lovely beauty bits I got for my 30th birthday. Well, the presents did not stop there. Andrew well and truly spoilt me and decided to hook me up with some serious 2017 travel plans. Adding to our already ambitious holiday goals, it’s set to be a killer year!
We already had Indonesia on our bucket list for 2017. I have wanted to go there for AGES and as soon as we decided we were going to South Africa on our honeymoon, we decided to go to Indonesia the year after.
I must admit I am so busy at the moment that I am feeling a bit intimidated about planning a two week trip to Indonesia. Especially because we haven’t even booked our flights yet. So if anyone has any posts or advice to offer, then please comment below!
We would like to have some beach relaxation (which we didn’t really get on our honeymoon) and some culture, good food and sight seeing. I don’t want this to turn into another huge adventure where we don’t get any time to decompress!
Adding to the Indonesia experience, we are also planning to go to Barcelona in September! Barcelona is a city I’ve always wanted to go and explore – the sunshine, the architecture, the beaches, the beautiful art. It has it all. Our plan is to go for a long weekend – Thursday to Sunday based on the flights from Newcastle.
We’ve not got anything booked for this, so any tips on where to stay or what do are very much appreciated!
And now on to the biggest and bestest birthday surprise of them all – Andrew is taking us to Vancouver! We fly at the end of April and come back at the start of May – 10 days in total. We want to do all the sightseeing – Stanley Park, Grouse Mountain, Granville Island, Kitsilano and more. We also want to head over to Vancouver Island to Victoria and maybe some other places.
I have been to Vancouver before, but that was over eight years ago now, and it was one of my favourite cities ever so I can’t wait to go back! Andrew has never been so he’s dying to get stuck in and the lovely lady, Kat, who introduced us lives there. So she can show us the insider sights.
I can’t wait for next year – even though my bank balance isn’t really looking forward to it so much…
Any tips you can let me know for Indonesia, Barcelona or Vancouver then please comment below!
♥ JH
I was in Barcelona last month! You will absolutely love it, it’s one of my favourite cities in Europe, for all of the reasons you mentioned. I actually wrote a post on it recently http://www.eattravelraverepeat.com/travel/barcelona hopefully you’ll find it useful.
As for Indonesia, Im planning on going in the new year! I’ve not been before (unless you count a short layover) but I really love the SE Asia region. I just find it so interesting and exciting.
Happy travelling x
How exciting!
We’re thinking of going to Vancouver next year too but haven’t looked into it much yet. I’ll have to read about the places you’ve mentioned! We usually fly somewhere else afterwards but haven’t decided on that yet either. We loved Toronto when we went in may and found Canada to be a lot cheaper than america! x
Vancouver is incredible, you should definitely go!
? JH
It sounds like you have a great year of travel ahead of you! we have a couple of little trips booked but nothing big …. yet!
if you are planning on visiting Jakarta when you are in Indonesia I have a post on some things to do there (Its a guest post so I cant take the credit if its useful but might give you a few ideas!) http://www.adventuresinteaandcake.com/2016/11/four-things-to-do-in-bustling-jakarta.html
Thank you, I’ll take a look!
? JH