Autumn is well and truly here. The colder weather has come in, the leaves are falling from the trees and it’s dark when I wake up in the morning. It’s officially time to crack out the jumpers and coats! I have a bit of a thing for knitwear, sweatshirts, coats and ankle boots. I could buy endless amounts, all year round! So this outfit combines everything I love, with some gorgeous complementary textures that just work so well together.
- Leopard print faux fur – check.
- Huge, cosy jumper – check.
- Coated jeans – check.
- Doc Martens – check.
- Leather bag – check.
All the most amazing textures, in one outfit!
Where Can I Buy?
My leopard print coat is from Topshop – find a similar one here. It’s so slim fitting, I find the cut really flattering. It’s all just the right thickness for this time of year – keeps you warm but not overheated.
My huge, cosy jumper is from H&M and I managed to grab it when it was just £7.99! They’ve got a load of other great knitwear this year too. I particularly love the bottle green colour of this one. It looks great with copper hair like mine and it’s a bit more interesting than just plain black.
My coated jeans are from Primark and I love the zips on the legs. Similar here from Very. They are a little bit short for me, which is why I always pair them with a pair of ankle boots.
Dr Martens are really the best boots you can buy. They’re expensive, but they are SO worth it. I now have five pairs and love them all. Will have to do a post about them! I chose the Kensington Teresa boots for this outfit – shiny, solid and well built.
Finally, I topped my outfit off with my new Mango bucket bag. I LOVE this. I featured it on a travel outfit post recently because it just goes with everything. It’s the perfect size to chuck stuff in but also carry on your arm or across your body. And you know I love anything with stars on!
What are you wearing this autumn? What do you think to how I’ve styled my autumn outfit?
♥ JH
I have to admit that your hair looks so good, I really like your outfit though!
Thank you so much!
? JH
Great pictures!
quite tempted by how warm that coat looks. love the boots – my dr martens are a staple for my autumn/winter wardrobe. Great post 🙂