Back in January this year, I set myself some blogging goals. Now I know there is this huge *thing* about numbers and how it’s not the number of followers, but how engaged they are. And I totally agree! However, I have found that setting myself some goals for this year has really given me something to aim for personally to help keep me motivated and committed towards creating great content and posting regularly. So how have I got on so far?
- Goal for 2016: 1,500
- Current followers: 1,443
I am *so close* to my Twitter goal it’s not even funny! I must admit, I have not been giving Twitter the attention it deserves recently. Plan for this month is to attend at least two blogger chats!
I’d love to get involved with a #TheGirlGang chat before the end of the month and I also find the #lbloggers chat really helpful so those are on my hit lists. Are there any others you would recommend?
- Goal for 2016: 500
- Current followers: 540
I am pleased to say I have already beaten this target! I’ve been putting loads of effort into my Instagram recently, posting every day at the same time, maintaining a bright and colourful theme and trying to be more strategic with my hashtags. Still learning loads but if anyone has any tips, I’m all ears!
- Goal for 2016: 500
- Current followers: 322
Hmm, not too close on this one. BUT I only had 147 followers when I started so I have over doubled my follower count! I love Bloglovin to catch up on the latest posts and get a good digest all in one place, but I’ve heard a lot of other people recently moaning about it. Between now and the rest of the year I aim to read more and share more on there.
Last but not least on my list was a goal to update my blog design and I am very happy to say the process of this is underway! I love my hand-drawn bunnies but I am sick of my standard WordPress template and would like something that is easier to navigate and more suited to how I’ve come to write posts.
Watch this space… a new look Hello Jennifer Helen is coming THIS MONTH!
How are you getting on with your blog goals? Do they help you or are you not bothered by the numbers?
♥ JH
I really like this idea of blog goals!
Numbers are important but it’s even more gratifying when they are truely interested in what you’re doing. I do agree that the bigger the number the more you feel confident about your work. 🙂
Congratulations on the work you’ve done until now!
Laura |
Thank you Laura! Numbers aren’t my motivation, but I love using them to challenge myself & push myself to create more and better content.
? JH