I must admit I totally stole this idea from someone else. I think it’s a super fun way to share with people a little bit about me. Although if you want to know what I’m really like, you should probably follow me on Twitter, because everyone tells the truth on there, right? Anyway, my About Me page is pretty rubbish IMO so maybe writing out this post will help me. So if you want to know more about little old me, then let the letters A to M guide you through.
A is easy. ANDREW is my other half, my fella, my fiance, the love of my life. He’s a babe, a total softie and the most wonderful person I know. Hence the whole marriage thing.
B is also too easy. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am obsessed with fluffy BUNNIES. I have two naughty rabbits at home and I am guaranteed to like anything that is decorated with the fluff monsters. Sometimes I look at pictures of bunnies just to cheer me up. Then I want to own them all because they are TOO CUTE.
Bit of a random one. C is for CLEANING. Domestic goddess I am not. I hate cleaning and everything to do with it. The thought of putting my hands into dirty washing up water makes me want to gip. And I CBA to hoover. I am the worst, I know.
D is for DEPRESSION. I have struggled with this on and off since I was a teenager, but now I’m in my late twenties I have accepted that I need a bit of help in the old serotonin producing department so I take a low dose tablet every day and that works for me. It’s all about finding what works for you. Read more about my depression story here.
E is for EXERCISE. Now, I am not a fan of exercise. I’m not really one of those people who gets a buzz out of the endorphin rush or whatever it is. I find it hard and I wish I didn’t have to do it, but I make myself do it and it keeps me fit. Kettlebells and weights are my weapon of choice!
F*CK I can’t think of anything for this one…
G is quite an interesting one. In 2010 I did a photo shoot and interview for GRAZIA magazine about going through a quarter life crisis. It was called ‘Generation Lost’ and the whole experience was absolutely amazing – taken to London with two other girls, hair & make up did, outfits, pro photographer. The works. But our lovely little article has never seen the light of day and has never been published in the magazine. No idea why, never got a response from the magazine team. It’s a mystery!
Looking back, I think 2014 was the year when I became an adult. And that was largely because I got engaged and bought a HOUSE! Mortgage. Terrifying and yet also strangely liberating. Coincidentally enough, our first house is on HEATHFIELD Road. All the H’s. Oh and my middle name is HELEN, in case you hadn’t guessed.
Me, myself and I. I. Hmmm bit of a toughie. OK how about INDECISIVE. We are a family of indecisive people. I struggle to make the simplest of decisions – I don’t really know why. I guess I overthink what might happen! Maybe linked to being anxious about the results? I don’t know. I need help.
J is for … JENNIFER?!
KOALA BEARS! Love em. And it’s no coincidence that Andrew and I call each other koala bears. Cringe. It’s OK. Everyone has a pet name, it’s just not cool to talk about them.
L is for one of my current favourite things to do – play LEGO on the PlayStation. I am full on addicted, but I have to play with Andrew because I’m terrible at fighting and jumping (anything that requires actual gaming skills). I like to solve the puzzles and smash shit up. Try it, it’s engrossing (good word).
And to finish up with a slightly contentious one – my married name (if I so choose to take it) will be MASON. Now I was thinking about writing a whole blog post about this – but I’m a HUGE fan of my maiden name. I don’t meet many other people with the same name as me and I like it that way. Mason is a bit more … well-known. Will I … won’t I?!
Hope that was a bit of interesting fun to find out more about me! Second instalment N – Z to follow soon.
Oh, and thanks to Kat Timmins for taking the lush pictures! Check her out.
♥ JH
Love this idea for a post. Helps get to know the girl behind the blog better! I blooming love Koala bears too!
Hannah xx
I really want to know what happened to your list article!
My Grazia article?! ME TOO!!!!
? JH
Love this! I love a good old post that helps you get to know the face behind the blog a lot more!
Love this idea too! May have to steal XD