March – what a busy month you’ve been! Some more European travel, discovering some new products, winning a competition and of course lots of chocolate for Easter! I’m starting to feel a lot more optimistic now the clocks have gone forward and it is lighter in the morning (although as I write this I’m in the USA and I woke up at 5am today – it was definitely still dark then!) and the slightly warmer weather is definitely putting a spring in my step (boom). So what did I get up to in March?
Athens and Warsaw
It was a bit of a flying visit, but off I popped to Athens and Warsaw this month! Two very different places, that’s for sure. In Athens, I stayed in the lovely Theoxenia Palace Hotel that was in an upmarket, beautiful suburb of Athens called Kifissia. I didn’t get a lot of time to explore, but I did get a chance to browse Zara and Sephora and eat a delicious salad at Wagamama! Winning.

Theoxenia Palace Hotel

Unfortunately Warsaw was a lot wetter and a lot colder. I mooched around the Old Town on Sunday but I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t really feeling like exploring. That’s probably the firs time in my life that’s ever happened so it was a strange feeling! Instead I got my nails done and watched Netflix in bed. Just goes to show how tired I have been.
Weight Loss Progress
This month I hit my target weight! I have now lost a total of 16lbs, taking me down to 10 stone 7 lbs, or 10 and a half stone. Bloody amazing, I can’t quite believe it! Unfortunately it did trigger a bit of a spending spree in Primark because HELLO I am now a size 10 in there and I never thought that would happen! £60 later and I have almost have a new capsule wardrobe 😛
Now it’s all about the maintenance, which is actually MUCH harder – I prefer losing weight as crazy as that sounds, because then I have a goal to aim for and now I am maintaining I am goal-less! If anyone has any maintenance tips then I am ALL ears.
Launch of Lancome Juicy Shakers at Fenwick
Despite having to wait in for the postman to deliver me a package of bridesmaid dresses, I managed to make it to the launch of the Lancome Juicy Shakers at Fenwick’s Newcastle. And I’m so glad I did! I got to try the Shakers, got a little talk through from top make up artist and, in line with Lancome’s latest campaign, jotted down a bit of advice to my younger self with a Juicy Shakers kiss.
Excitingly, my pout won me a competition!

Lancome Juicy Shakers Launch
So now I’m really looking forward to trying out their new Hypnôse Volume a Porter that I got a full size version of and a really cute spring pink nail varnish. Lucky old me!
Easter Weekend
Andrew and I headed down to London to see my brother and sister-in-law and had a bash at doing The Crystal Maze. There wasn’t chance to take any pictures inside (don’t want to spoil it for anyone else!) but needless to say it was AMAZING! If you enjoyed the TV programme as a kid (and who didn’t, right?!) then it’s definitely worth the £50 ticket price. A brilliant experience and we absolutely bossed it with the most crystals!
And last but not least we treated ourselves to some Hells at Camden Town Brewery. Lovely!

Camden Town Brewery
So that’s about it for March – bring on April, with a trip to NYC to get my wedding dress! 28 days to go!
How was your March – what did you get up to?
♥ JH
Well done on reaching your target weight! I’ve got 6 weeks til my holidays to loose 8lbs – I’ve even had to put Easter eggs up in the loft, devastating!
I haven’t got a beach holiday booked this year but kind of wish I had, we usually go to Greece or Cyprus. It must have been lovely having a little getaway to Athens.
Congrats on winning the competition 🙂 x
Thanks for your lovely comment – I’m sure you’ll absolutely boss your weight loss – keep going and well done on avoiding the Easter Eggs haha!
? JH
Congratulations on reaching your goal, absolutely amazing! I definitely agree it’s harder to maintain, the drive you feel when you’re losing isn’t quite there! I honestly don’t know how I’ve done it but it’s a constant daily battle with myself. Once you’ve had a weight problem you tend to have it for life. I will always be greedy and will always have to tell myself very sternly “no” all the time! x